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3-21-2015 California Common

3-21-2015 California Common 


Grain: .5 lb US 60 Lovibond Crystal

           .25 lb US 120 Lovibond Crystal

           .33 lb US Victory Toasted Malt


Extracts:  4 lb Alexanders Pale Malt Liquid Extract

                2 lb Briess Gold Dried Malt Extract


Boil: 60min: 1oz Northern Brewer @ 10%aau

         15min: 1 whirlflooc tablet

         5min: .75oz Northern Brewer @ 10%aau


Yeast: Wyeast 2112


Starter from the show: 1000ml water, 100g Dried Malt Extract, and 1/8tsp Yeast Enigizer

Boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled to room temp.  Run for 24 hours, aerate(shake) whenever possible.