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5-23-2015 Blackberry White IPA

5-23-2015 Blackberry White IPA

A long popular fusion beer among homebrewers, its a great refreshing beer for someone lokking for something with a lot of flavor on a hot summer day.


3.3 lb Briess Pilsner LME

3.3 lb Briess Gold LME

1 lb Briess Gold LME


.5 lb Belgian Aromatic Malt

.5 lb Flaked Oats

.5 lb Belgian Cara 8


60min: 1 oz Centennial 9 AAU's

15min: 3 tsp Crushed Coriander/ 2 gms Crushed Paradise Seed/ .5 oz Bitter Orange Peel

10min: 1 oz Cz Saaz

5min: 1 oz Cascade

The Berries:

Take 2-4 lbs of Blackberies, put them in a small pot of the side and put in water to cover.  Bring the pot 170F and hold for 20mins.  Take off the heat and allow to cool.  Crush the berries with a potatoe masher, and pour them into a large muslin bag over your empty primary fermentor.  Tie the bag off and pour your cooled wort on top.


Yeast: Fermentis T-58    Dry Hop: 1 oz leaf Hops(we're thinking Amarillo)

Bottling: You may want to add some brewer's fruit flavoring extract at bottling time.  Just simply add the flavoring ( TO TASTE) in the bottling bucket. We only used 1/4 of the container, that is intended for five gallons.