Abbey-style top-fermenting yeast, suitable for high-gravity Belgian style ales. Great complexity with very good alcohol tolerance. This strain produces a nice ester profile as well as slightly spicy alcohol notes. It can be slow to start; however, it attenuates well.
Additional Information:
The activator has 100 billion cells of pure, ready-to-pitch yeast, plus an internal nutrient packet. The Activator is designed to inoculate five gallons of wort (up to 1.065 SG) providing the pitching rate recommended by professional brewers. The smack pack system allows yeast metabolism to begin, providing proof of healthy yeast. It is not necessary for this package to fully swell before use.
Flocculation: medium-low
Attenuation: 74-78%
Temperature Range: 68-78° F (20-24° C)
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 12% ABV
Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Belgian Dubbel
Belgian Specialty Ale
Belgian Tripel
Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer