Formerly known as "Eau de Vie".* A very good choice for alcohol tolerance and stuck fermentations. Produces a very clean, dry profile, low ester formation and other volatile aromatics.
Origin: France
Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: NA
Temperature Range: 65-80°F, 18-27°C
Alcohol Tolerance: 21% ABV
Eau de Vie
Additional Information:
The activator has 50 billion cells of pure, ready-to-pitch yeast, plus an internal juice-based nutrient packet. The Activator is designed to inoculate five gallons of juice or must. The smack pack system allows yeast metabolism to begin, providing proof of healthy yeast. It is not necessary for this package to fully swell before use.
Packet size: 125ml
* In March of 2014, Wyeast Laboratories renamed several of the wine yeasts in their collection for easier identifcation, moving away from European appellations and moving toward their actual uses. The change is only to the names, th numbers and the strains (along with their fermentation profiles and properties) will remain exactly the same.