Originating from the home of great Pilsners in the Czech Republic, this classic Pilsner strain will finish dry and malty. It is the perfect choice for Pilsners and all malt beers. Sulfur produced during fermentation can be reduced with warmer fermentation temperatures 58°F (14°C) and will dissipate with conditioning.
Additional Information:
The activator has 100 billion cells of pure, ready-to-pitch yeast, plus an internal nutrient packet. The Activator is designed to inoculate five gallons of wort (up to 1.065 SG) providing the pitching rate recommended by professional brewers. The smack pack system allows yeast metabolism to begin, providing proof of healthy yeast. It is not necessary for this package to fully swell before use.
Flocculation: Medium-High
Attenuation: 70-74%
Temperature Range: 50-58F, 10-14C
Alcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV
Bohemian Pilsner