Originating from traditional London brewer, this yeast has a wonderful malt and hop profile. It is a true top cropping strain with a fruity, very light and softly balanced palate. This strain will finish slightly sweet.
Additional Information:
The activator has 100 billion cells of pure, ready-to-pitch yeast, plus an internal nutrient packet. The Activator is designed to inoculate five gallons of wort (up to 1.065 SG) providing the pitching rate recommended by professional brewers. The smack pack system allows yeast metabolism to begin, providing proof of healthy yeast. It is not necessary for this package to fully swell before use.
Flocculation: high
Attenuation: 71-75%
Temperature Range: 64-74° F (18-23° C)
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 10% ABV
American Amber Ale
English Barleywine
English IPA
Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
Oatmeal Stout
Old Ale
Scottish Export 80/-
Scottish Heavy 70/-
Scottish Light 60/-
Southern English Brown
Special/Best/Premium Bitter
Standard/Ordinary Bitter
Sweet Stout